Kevin De Pelseneer
Kevin De Pelseneer
- Add ISA compliance features to release notes - Update docker compose syntax to version 2
Documentation of the new ISA compliant features.
Error in rendering the child assays. ``` An ActionView::Template::Error occurred in assays#show: undefined method `title' for nil:NilClass app/views/assays/show.html.erb:89 ```
When a user has no view access to a sample, the helper tries to merge the row data with `nil`, which throws an error! ``` An ActionView::Template::Error occurred in studies#show:...
Currently when creating a new template, based on an existing template, the inherited attributes are completely locked because it needs to be locked when creating a Sample Type. However, creating...
- Add policies and sharing permissions to sample types - Making existing sample types more editable - Simplifying assays and studies creation forms.
For better maintainability in the future, app/views/sample_types/_form.html.erb should be refactored to use `objects_input.js` or the `objects_input` helper.
**Describe the bug** When the user goes to `/samples`, he / she can filter the samples on 'hidden' sample types that were created in Single Page, which is not consistent...
Fix for XSS vulnerability in dynamic table in multiple places.
When re-seeding the [starter templates](, new template attributes are created again. This could be problematic when child templates are created based on the starter templates because the child - parent...