
Results 27 comments of kczx3

Most likely has to do with the fact that SuperPuTTY just launches PuTTY and then sets the SuperPuTTY window as the parent of the PuTTY window.

I have this same issue on WSL 1. No idea what to do about it unfortunately. There's so many hits that come back for similar errors via searches on google.

Ultimately, the clipboard has nothing to do with GDI+. I would imagine that it was not included in this repo due to that fact. You should be able to fairly...

I somehow just stumbled upon this and had logged my own (now closed as dupe) issue. I really don't know how I only just noticed this as it reduces efficiency...

@tagliala seems to have provided a patch for this to match the documented behavior although I don't see any pull requests for it here. Bummer its gotten pushed twice now...

Tough to find time for development when you're a CTO now 😉 It certainly aligns with his activity on GitHub. Hopefully he hasn't forgotten his roots! ![image](https://github.com/squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer/assets/15206020/a8c7c0c7-ba2e-4157-9e9c-5663947a85be)