
Results 28 issues of kcruijss

Almost all 05AB1E builtins that require integer arguments, will truncate decimal values when given instead, which is a great feature. Unfortunately, `₅` _**a(x)**_ (and `₆` **_a(n-x)_** as well) within the...

The `.v` builtin to converts valid Roman Number letters (e.g. `I` or `VC`) to integers, but only works on uppercase letters. I can understand that the reverse builtin `.X` always...

If we use `o` with an integer `0` we get the expected answer `1` - e.g. `0o`: [try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f/fIP//fwA). But if we have a float `0.0` it times out...

There seems to be an issue in `ÅÏ` with certain list arguments. It seems to be an issue within the Elixir code itself instead of the list's data. Here a...

Some empty strings result in `1` when using the Python-style truthify builtin `Ā`. If we use an empty string directly (`õ`), it works fine and correctly results in `0`. But...

When we're sorting a nested list directly from input it works fine: [try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f@/@v//6GiDWJ1oIyAG0YZgdiwA) But when we're sorting after we've just indexed, it seems to sort **based on the...

I'm not sure how to describe it, but there are some weird and inconsistent things going on with the vertical mirror builtins: 1. `∊` with a list input: works as...

Although replacing inner-most items with `:` or `.:` works fine inside multi-dimensional lists, with `.;` it doesn't do anything and results in the multi-dimensional list unmodified. [Try it online to...


Using the sentence capitalization builtin is great to capitalize the first letter of a sentence or word without changing existing capital letters (unlike the titlecase builtin, which changes everything to...

Well, the title basically says it all. When using the Greatest Common Divisor on an empty list, it results in an error instead of the expected `0`. [Try it online...