Keattisak Chinburarat
Keattisak Chinburarat
Let say if i have 1 master database for write and 3 read only databases. How can i use DbRepository to connect to all read only database by round robin....
> A very specialized scenario :). No, this is not a part of the framework. We will not make DB Connection buffering to manage this (or maybe it is something...
BTW Let me play around with your very nice lib maybe i will create new PR
@szaboopeeter Can we write the code like this ```csharp [RegisterSingleton(For = typeof(IMultipleAttributes1))] [RegisterSingleton(For = typeof(IMultipleAttributes2))] public class MultipleAttribute : IMultipleAttributes1 , IMultipleAttributes2 ```
``This is my idea Let's say on consumer of Agoda.Ioc have these class ``` csharp [RegisterSingleton] public class MyRepoThatNeedsWarmup1 : IMyRepoThatNeedsWarmup1, IStartableAsync { // IStartableAsync implementation public async Task StartAsync(){...
I think it will start on and should finish before kestrel do port binding
This is the execution step