Bumsik Kim

Results 19 issues of Bumsik Kim

App window appears in the virtual screen on Surface Pro. It should appear on the primary screen.

Qt 5.12 will be released [around December.](https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_5.12_Release) I'm going to use this as soon as it is released because [Qt 5.12 adds ES7 support in QML!](https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.12) I will rewrite my...


There is a nice reference: - https://github.com/tectonic-typesetting/tectonic/pull/67/files


So the basic feature development is done! As mentioned in #5, I need to make it work in the rest of the world. - [x] Make `import MediaRecorder from 'opus-media-recoder';`...

Although the documentation specifically mentions that it targets WASM-supported browsers, adding [JS fallback is as easy as adding `asmjs` in `BINARYEN_METHOD` options in emcc](https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/compiling/WebAssembly.html). But I'm not sure what are...

Find the best way to test opus-media-recorder. - [ ] Mocha? - [ ] Since it aims MediaRecorder spec, I might run [WPT](https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt) tests?

I suggest moving the example Wiki (https://github.com/nnstreamer/nnstreamer/wiki/usage-examples-screenshots) to the source tree in this repo (maybe in README.md). To be clear, I am talking about the specific wiki page, not the...


This repo has a lot of (16) shell scripts. So it would be great if we have certain rules for shell scripts to improve maintainability. The useful tool is [Shellchek](https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck)....


Hi, thank you for Minimal Theme! I hope there was an option to enable line wrap (a.k.a horizontal scroll) for code blocks in preview mode. This is an example from...


![img_0531](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7823583/38599750-b9ea535c-3d2f-11e8-9365-e18f9c21c2b1.JPG) And add some more [mazes here](https://github.com/micromouseonline/micromouse_maze_tool)