Karey Higuera

Results 11 issues of Karey Higuera

There were missing lines before return statements that have been added back. There was also a reference to the themes variable when getThemes() hadn't been called yet. Before: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30562119/100041175-71c23d00-2dce-11eb-8095-a15292c7147a.png) After:...

Instead of just creating a new file, there should be an option to copy the tweet to clipboard.

In order to have consistent slug creation across Unix and Windows machines, we can use `path.posix.join()` instead of just `path.join()`. Otherwise, pages are generated incorrectly when built on Windows machines....

Due to the use of `path.join()` to create page slugs, the page creation fails when building on Windows machines. This can be fixed by using `path.posix.join()`.

Currently, the date format is hardcoded for the frontmatter and the tweet text. Ideally, the user should be able to pass in a format string, such as `LLL` or `YYYY-MM-DD`....

Addresses https://github.com/Zehina/Webtoon-Downloader/issues/3. I've added an argument `--chapter-name`, that when used in conjunction with `--separate`, will use the title of the `ChapterInfo` instead of the chapter number for the folder name....

I have added a trigger for API Gateway when making GET or POST requests.

I have corrected the bug with duplicate file extensions referenced in Issue #1 (example-file.docx.pdf) when using the S3 trigger.

Documents that originally have a line between columns when processed no longer have the line. Is this functionality that can be captured by this library? I have attached an example...