Grzegorz Gurgul
Grzegorz Gurgul
Maintaining separate versions for sub-projects is very useful but then releasing must be done with care - projects with internal dependencies need to be released manually one after the other...
Assume we have a 2D matrix A with A1xA2 dimensions. Assume we have a 2D matrix B with B1xB2 dimensions where B1
### Reproduction steps Compare commit to the working tree directory on a relatively big repository ``` repository.Diff.Compare( repository.Head.Tip.Tree, DiffTargets.WorkingDirectory) ``` which takes a long time or never completes. Comparing the...
### Describe the bug **context** I'm using v0.15.1. I'm trying to generate content dynamically from within python cell. Usually what works well, and does, in the case of normal markdown,...