Kristoffer Bjärkefur
Kristoffer Bjärkefur
One final review issue to rule them all. Feel free to add more things to this issue, but please follow this organzition: * Each thing should start with a checkbox... @mariaruth is it worth mentioning sampling in the field at all here? it can be necessary if no listing exists. for example, survey teams list all the HH in... @mariaruth the below examples are super but i wonder if should move to wiki? feels like a finer level of detail than other sections. --- @luizaandrade Move this...
Figure out how to best generate a word document from the LaTeX code
It is better to have these instructions in the README instead of the top of the Gitignore. Or at least have them in both places
Feedback sent to analytics email. Moved here to give access to everyone collaborating on this repo. > During the data collection, often the respondents' name was collected using brackets, for... Error happens if these two conditions are satisfied: 1. The dataset has two vars that will have the same name if both converted to lower case (examples `region`/`REGION`, `region`/`Region`...
Create a command to be used in all error messages that ouput messages. See for discussion on how it would be.
We have been manually formatting the _syntax_ line in our helpfiles, but the whole time there has been a short hand that automatically applies the formatting. My bad for not...
Based on feedback from @aurelieri: Paraphrased by me: > When a multiple select has options like "don't know", "declined to answer", create a test so that checks that the condition...