Keith Bingman

Results 8 comments of Keith Bingman

Looks like a ruby 1.9 problem to me. This has not been tested on 1.9. I will look into it, but am very busy right now. It does run nicely...

This isn't enough information to help at all. Can you paste a the error stack trace? Have you made sure the the Radiant Config files allow files as large as...

Download the log files, the will show the 500 error and tell you what is happening. /log/production. I could be the pdf, as well. Try it with a different, but...

This has nothing to do with your problem. Sounds like you have two different versions of paperclipped and perhaps your environment.rb file is wrong. LikeI said, download the log files.

Your server is timing out. ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away It creates the asset and record, but cannot insert it into the MySQL database. I looks like the...

Checkout the paperclip gem itself. You can probably turn this off.

Check out the yaml file in locale/en.yaml. It probably has the wrong translation. In the view, check the key and then correct it in the en.yaml file.

Thanks. I just changed it and will push it with some other changes today