Kristaps Berzinch
Kristaps Berzinch
They're logged as errors, but logs don't go to sentry. Throw an exception? Nova renders this as a "Server Error" toast in the UI which I think is fine.
The bar graph on the attendance report should be a stacked bar graph showing the distribution of attendance per team per day.
idk what the options here
There are separate rows for "White/Caucasian, Hispanic" and "Hispanic, White/Caucasian", etc
There's some sort of function you can define to construct your own query for index pages. We should take advantage of this to run more calculations in the database for...
Load from Square orders via webhook or similar, match to GT person?
Only the most recent travel assignment is shown on the Travel tab. This is problematic for users with more than one TA. Square Checkout route for TAs needs to accept...
Tests to write: - [ ] Dues flow GUI test, including online payment. This might not be _too_ much of a PITA with [Laravel Dusk]( - [x] Regex for remote...
Add a banner to the resume upload page about alumni association review