Karan Bhanot
Karan Bhanot
The project involves training a machine learning model (K Neighbors Classifier) to predict whether someone is suffering from a heart disease with 87% accuracy.
This is a template for creating a Machine Learning application with its front-end developed using React which interacts with a Flask service as the back-end and makes predictions.
This project explores colors in various images and then enables the user to query the images based on a given color.
This project explores the usage of Flask and Flask-RESTPlus in developing a Python service to host any application as well as exploring APIs (and Swagger UI).
This project uses the Twitch API to extract data about various channels and creates a dataset from the collected information which can be used for further data analysis.
This project involves using OpenCV's trained Face Detection Neural Network to detect faces in various images and extract them either as separate images or create boxes around faces.
The project involves using the GitHub API using user authentication to fetch information such as commits and repositories for that specific user and store them as CSV files for data collection and ana...
This project develops a deep learning model that trains on 1.6 million tweets for sentiment analysis to classify any new tweet as either being positive or negative.
I'll use various machine learning algorithms to predict the price of used cars.
This project scrapes Wikipedia for its articles using BeautifulSoup to create a dataset and then draws analysis on the collected data.