Kazuki Shimizu

Results 66 comments of Kazuki Shimizu

@linghengqian @making Thanks for mention !! @sdeleuze , @snicoll, and other contributors I'll try to [integrate with spring-native for MyBaits's modules](https://github.com/kazuki43zoo/mybatis-spring-native). Many problems have been solved, but I am encountering...

Hi guys, The MyBatis team has been published [the integration module for spring-native feature](https://github.com/mybatis/spring-native) to Sonatype OSS repository. Please try it and welcome to feedback!!

@snicoll Probably, the mybatis-spring-natvie seems to work fine with the latest 0.11.2 SNAPSHOT. See https://github.com/kazuki43zoo/mybatis-spring-native/runs/4930626598?check_suite_focus=true

Hi @freebey , Sorry for the late reply. Could you provide a reproduce project on GitHub?

Could you provide a small reproduce project via GitHub?

@linweichao Thanks you for your reporting! I'll investigate this. I have one question. Does the current behavior cause some problems with your application ?

@shin779 Cloud you provide `applicationContext.xml`?

@shin779 Thanks you for your reporting! I've tried the new example. This issue will be occurred using together with DBCP 1.4. As a result of checking with the profiler, it...

Could you explain an your image about supporting Docker?