Habib Kazemi

Results 9 comments of Habib Kazemi

Hi, I didn't try it myself but probably you can fix it with adding `android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"` to `application` in AndroidManifest.xml

Run the following command in the python shell: >>> import nltk >>> nltk.download() A NLTK Downloader will open. Go to the Corpora tab and download the "wordnet", "wordnet_ic", "sentiwordnet".

Thank you for this nice plugin, this feature is very important and it's broken now. I'd really appreciate it if you could fix it.

Hi, Room now supports using a pre-packaged database out of the box, since version 2.2.0 Check this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/57922686/4146943

The solution of @grovertb works (adding `android:layout_height="?attr/actionBarSize" app:layout_collapseMode="pin" ` to com.miguelcatalan.materialsearchview.MaterialSearchView But the problem I had was the title of collapsingToolbar was shown of searchView editText I fixed that in...

@jeffswitzer I didn't implement it yet , but I know it's possible for example:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22531789/copy-database-from-sdcard-to-data-data-packagename-databases-folder

I tested it with nativescript angular2 and it didn't work and the below is the result ``` Watching your project: org.nativescript.groceries remote object '/data/data/org.nativescript.groceries/files/./app/package.json' does not exist Error: remote object...

I removed the error checking from watcher.js by commenting some lines from `checkParsing` function ``` function checkParsing(fileName) { console.log("\nChecking updated file: ", fileName); var callback = function(err, stdout , stderr)...

I need this feature too. please reopen it.