Is this a right place regarding pod annotation (or label) for scanner pod or should i open an other issue?
Hi @marcinc Marcinc, sorry for the delay. Than i explain i install krane to watch better the role,and misconfiguration 1. The menu finding --> show me issues 2. Menu RBAC...
Hi @marcinc, no news?
thx for your response, and what about the service? v1/Service controller-manager-metrics-service in securecodebox-system 💥 [CRITICAL] Service Targets Pod · The services selector does not match any pods
in additionnal security info: - seccompProfile (pod or containers "nmap", "lurker" must set securityContext.seccompProfile.type to "RuntimeDefault" or "Localhost") - _- >>>The parsers are running with the fixed user id 1001...