
Results 179 comments of pýrus

I haven't tried the DNS feature yet even in *nix OS. I'm using SSH socks, which, I guess, doesn't support UDP. Can you suggest a Linux SOCKS5 server, which handles...

@steom yes, I know. I need more time to fix this.

I brought back DNS support for windows. It may also work with linux/macos. Please test.

> but ip, subnet, and gateway no that is weird. in my case IP addresses are configured correctly. > panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:1500] with capacity...

@steom I made an [MTU fix](https://github.com/kayrus/go-tun2socks/commit/0277ba64e068ef164e208abae1b47085356b3de2) in my fork master branch, can you try to reproduce the panic once again?

> -exclude -proxyserver -tunaddr -tundns -tungw -tunmask please provide all arguments, including their values. Usually it is not necessary to specify the tunGw and tunAddr, because they are taken from...

@steom I'll make a new release soon.

@steom I uploaded a dev binary into the latest release: https://github.com/kayrus/go-tun2socks/releases/download/v1.16.18/tun2socks-dev.exe

@steom > > but ip, subnet, and gateway no > proxyserver -tunaddr -tundns -tungw -tunmask just setting the GW won't route all your traffic through...

> Net adapter settings still blank, only dns Is populated they have to be blank. See my previous message. The routes are set only for particular destinations, which you specify...