Definitely agree on looking for another library. Having the ViewPropTypes issue on my project and I had to patch up the library just to keep this library working on my...
Any workaround for this? I have a similar issue in my carousel with ads. The swipes work well but my ads become unclickable. Something like this: ```` const myCarouselItem =...
@hartzis Something like this: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-swipeable-bug-6ej07l?file=/app/test.tsx I noticed preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent is no longer in v7. The swiping and onclick works well now in my example but is there a way to not...
Any updates on this issue? I am trying to set this up in my project and facing the same issue now. Help anyone? EDIT: am using cypress v12.17.2
Also experiencing the same issue, moving my entire transition to whileInView was not so simple so no choice but to revert back to an older version