I'll add my vote to adding an MQTT client! Now that I have just finished building my unit I was about to write a Python script to scrape that info...
I just got mine built yesterday so have no idea about the web hosting issues. Testing last night was amazing. Minimal overshoot after a bit of PID adjustment and stable,...
@vlasovskikh - sure, understood. I gave not hit any differences so far between ESP8266 and ESP32 that directly impact the plugin in its current state. I do not believe this...
@wasanka - I assume you mean in a manner similar to that provided by the webREPL but integrated with the plugin? That may turn it into a PyCharm Pro only...
Okay, just figured it was worth asking the question before possibly heading full speed at a dead end :-)
@vlasovskikh - I find it intriguing. My recollection of using the webREPL was that it was convenient but also quite flakey but that was quite a few versions of micropython...
@wasanka - thanks for the link. From what I can tell, that project is using the webREPL as the 'transport' layer which limits the number of board types it will...