Hakan Kaya
Hakan Kaya
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** We want to automate the creation of issues in Jira from specific alerts, in our current use case, these are...
https://github.com/PrefectHQ/server/blob/ec4f49c24725d0a2d52719d4d678a3b821e390d7/helm/prefect-server/values.yaml#L372 the value of `agent.resources.limits.cpu` set in the values.yaml is lower than the (not included) default value for `agent.resources.requests.cpu` and causes an error: `Error: Deployment.apps "prefect-server-agent" is invalid: spec.template.spec.initContainers[0].resources.requests: Invalid...
We love working with Robusta on a daily basis while managing multiple clusters. One pain point that we have when using the UI, though, is that we constantly have to...