
Results 16 issues of kaxifakl

**Bug描述** github.dev无法加速 **重现步骤** github界面按’.‘进入github.dev,这里无法拉取到github项目 **软件信息** - 操作系统: [e.g. win10-x64] - FastGithub: [e.g. v2.0.0]

1.spine原生不受UIOpacity控制,无法做animation透明度渐变 2.spine首帧未处理父级opacity 问下这两个历史悠久的Bug什么时候修复 @minggo

### Cocos Creator version 3.7.4 ### System information Window 10 ### Issue description 大项目开发,代码修改后编译太慢,浏览器预览多次自动刷新,有时候还不断报错 ### Relevant error log output _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce -- ### Minimal reproduction project...

Needs Triage

### Cocos Creator version 3.8.3 ### System information Window 10 ### Issue description 1.节点一开始active=false,调用setAnimation播放动画,此时会报错 ``` protected onLoad(): void { this.skeleton.setAnimation(0, 'run', true); this.skeleton.node.active = true; console.log(this.skeleton) } ``` ![image](https://github.com/cocos/cocos-engine/assets/63728902/cad0c5d8-00a0-47ea-8fb2-a1d67126420a) 2.手动调用skeleton初始化,此时不会报错,但动画不会播放...

Needs Triage

### Cocos Creator version 3.8.2 ### System information Window 10 web ### Issue description 层级关系 -button -touchNode -ui 在touchNode的touch-start中打开ui,ui也带touch事件,然后关闭ui后,点击界面任意非touchNode区域,touch事件会被touchNode触发,因为touchNode中的claimedTouchIdList没有清空 ### Relevant error log output _No response_ ### Steps to reproduce...

Needs Triage

### Use Case 不同的平台需要不同的裁剪设置,比如原生平台上不做裁剪,而小游戏平台需要裁剪不用的平台 如果项目不需要平台差异设置,最好有一个全局设置 ### Problem Description ... ### Proposed Solution _No response_ ### How it works _No response_ ### Alternatives Considered ... ### Additional Information _No response_

Feature Request

### Use Case 1.Layout组件有时候第一帧是未刷新布局的,等下一帧才会显示正确的布局 2.例如Layout嵌套Layout也会有这些问题,甚至在原生上出现了Layout一直不刷新的问题,手动调用强制刷新后正常 3.如果子节点为Label或RichText等,可能会出现第一帧未刷新布局的问题 ### Problem Description ... ### Proposed Solution _No response_ ### How it works _No response_ ### Alternatives Considered ... ### Additional Information _No response_

Feature Request
Needs Triage

### Use Case 为什么Android打包后的这个文件名叫cc.config.json,而web打包后叫config.json 能否统一用config.json ### Problem Description ... ### Proposed Solution _No response_ ### How it works _No response_ ### Alternatives Considered ... ### Additional Information _No response_

Feature Request
Needs Triage

Re: # ### Changelog * ------- ### Continuous Integration This pull request: * [ ] needs automatic test cases check. > Manual trigger with `@cocos-robot run test cases` afterward. *...
