Kavan Pancholi
Kavan Pancholi
Issue: #44 Changes: - Throw `TransportException` instead of `MailersendException` in order to support Failover config ## Description: Laravel offers a valuable feature known as failover configuration for its mail drivers,...
Currently in [Font-Awesome documentation](https://craigh411.github.io/vue-rate-it/#/docs/font-awesome), it says import {ThumbsUp} from 'vue-rate-it/glyphs/thumbs-up'; But there is not ThumbsUp object in `vue-rate-it/glyphs/thumbs-up` file. And it says created() { // register the icon this.thumbsUp =...
Laravel provides failover configuration for the mail drivers. That means, in case the mail driver doesn't work, it would retry with the next registered driver to send emails. Doc: https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/mail#failover-configuration...