Kaushik N. Sanji

Results 4 issues of Kaushik N. Sanji

Following warning is reported by our custom `FirestoreAdapter`, when a user chooses to **filter by a particular _price_** and then **sorts the results by _price_** in the **Filter Dialog**- ```...

type: bug

In the Step - ["**Display data from Firestore**"](https://firebase.google.com/codelabs/firestore-android?index=..%2F..index#6), the provided code does not handle the case of propagating the **Listen errors** to the protected method `onError()` of `FirestoreAdapter`. If propagated,...

1. How to apply animated transitions to destinations launched from any MenuItems of any Menus like "**overflow_menu.xml**", "**main_menu.xml**", "**bottom_nav_menu.xml**", "**nav_drawer_menu.xml**" (_as in this codelab_) by leveraging this Navigation component? 2....

The **HomeFragment** and **DeepLinkFragment** are treated as Top-level destinations, while the **FlowStepFragment**, **SettingsFragment** and the Fragment for **Shopping Cart** are **NOT** being treated as Top-level destinations. Irrespective of how they...