Kaushik Gopal
Kaushik Gopal
probably want to check on those quotes
> FWIW, the current behavior seems consistent with the documentation at https://taskwarrior.org/docs/recurrence.html: > > > This task has a due date, a monthly recurrence, and an optional until date coinciding...
also, for certain special characters like `-`, we're allowed to "add" the task with those tags but thereafter those tags becomes impossible to refer to in a filter. ``` task...
huh, that's interesting @tbabej ; do you think that's because I explicitly use quotes for my description, so it "helps" the parser pass through the tag? I'm on tw `2.5.3`...
my own comment shows that, that's not true. it doesn't in fact add a tag but adds it in the description as you rightly pointed out. I was probably on...
:) On [the verge of merging this](https://github.com/kaushikgopal/RxJava-Android-Samples/commit/ed60d9b7c4334fb440d5c0410e713ed31ca2bea2). I'm giving a [talk at 360|AnDev](https://360andev.com/sessions/rxjava-by-example-volume-3-the-multicast-edition/) and plan on including this as one of the examples. I should merge a bunch of these...
ok added a wiki [and this section in particular]() that should help explain some of this -> https://github.com/instacart/truetime-android/wiki/Caveats---Gotchas#need-for-re-syncing
Thinking aloud here: Currently we have a `Single` variant for `TrueTimeRx.init`. My current thought process is that, that should remain but we also have an `Observable` api exposed which does...
We aren’t actively adding features to the library. But it’s still being maintained and we use this library in our apps daily.
Can you provide more details or similar observations. I’ve seen that error show up in emulators but not in real devices with good network connectivity. You’ll have to provide more...