Katrin Tirok
Katrin Tirok
I just checked this episode once more and made sure that there is no reference to spyder that may be confusing. How can the episode be further enhanced? It introduces...
Hi, I think joining two datasets is one of the common and important things to do when working with data in R. I always kind of missed this part in...
I also think the colours are great and I like the idea to use two different colours for the 2 tables. I am just wondering about the different filling of...
Looks very cool now. Regarding the svg - we had previously issues with rendering svg's in different browsers (the slicing figures), otherwise I agree that drawings would be better as...
I think explaining and using build in function should be introduced in the introduction, but how to write own functions is more advanced and should only come later or dropped...
Please see pull-request #260 with rewritten intro-to-python which contains a more structured intro to functions and methods
Hi @cmacdonell, yes I am looking into improving the python lesson as my time allows, starting with this issue.
After preparing with the social science lesson for teaching a workshop I am wondering about the same thing, this data switching is very confusing, especially since the SF577.tab data are...