kato sho
kato sho
Hi, CREATEROLE privileges are restricted in PG16, so ldap2pg user could not grant ADMIN OPTION to himself when ldap2pg is executed by non-superuser. Moreover, non-superuser needs to INHERIT OPTION to...
Hi, test_nominal.py failed with the following messages. ```sh =========================== short test summary info ============================ ERROR test/test_nominal.py::test_roles - sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: ERROR test/test_nominal.py::test_re_grant - sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: ERROR test/test_nominal.py::test_re_revoke - sh.ErrorReturnCode_1: ERROR test/test_nominal.py::test_nothing_to_do - sh.ErrorReturnCode_1:...
I'm looking for a support policy of ldap2pg in the ldap2pg documents, but I don't find this infomation. I would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions. -...
Hello I fixed it to build for PG 12. #4 will be fixed by this patch. thanks,