
Results 7 comments of kat0d9

just now had tested ``` ``` in config.xml. Seems it's works properly if you set like this.

Have same question. Because for now I can delete it only after server restart

yea, it's really serious stuff. because when you install NoVNC for someone, they can treat it as a security issue

can't get it on windows too. it seems there is wrong path to php ``` "PHP": { "php": "P:\\OpenServer\\OSPanel\\modules\\php\\PHP-7.1-x64", "phpConfigFile": "P:\\OpenServer\\OSPanel\\modules\\php\\PHP-7.1-x64\\php.ini", "codeintel_scan_extra_dir": [], "codeintel_scan_files_in_project": true, "codeintel_max_recursive_dir_depth": 5, } ``` have...

nope, after few hours i find it in my case (win10), needs to add a catalogs to provide autocomplete. after adding "codeintel_selected_catalogs": ["PECL"] it works(pretty weird, but at least there...

Hi, how to get additional data from push message ? I have a code, but what method should I use to get additional payload from "event" ? ```java OneSignal.getNotifications().addClickListener(event ->...

custom phpmyadmin URL is critical in my case. just now hat try, and there is a 404 resp from static files(NginX). try to change in template nginx files phpmyadmin path...