Kamil Szuster
Kamil Szuster
Same error when i call maven while i am not in the modules directory, that is using the plugin: `/home/.../Parent/module1
I have found that one too, but I think that bug is about being able to place jvm.config files in every submodule. I want that: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-205178/Support-.mvn-jvm.config-for-defining-JVM-configuration-for-Maven-builds#focus=Comments-27-5385229.0-0 I have no knowledge...
Hi! I investigated a bit more, here is what i found out: I cloned https://github.com/resilience4j/resilience4j/tree/v2.2.0 and altered `io.github.resilience4j.feign.Resilience4jFeignRetryTest#testFailedHttpCallWithRetry` from original: ```java @Test(expected = FeignException.class) public void testFailedHttpCallWithRetry() { retry =...
As others in the issue mentioned, i dont think this is Wiremock related. The HTTP Client might be initializing retries, but thats exactly what i want to configure. :) There...
Almost. The HTTP Client throws a `java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out` (wrapped within a `RetryableException`), because the configured "read timeout" is exceeded. This seems to lead to cascading calls of both...