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fastqcr: Quality Control of Sequencing Data
skip 1 more line using readr::read_tsv() in qc_read() function
This fixes #28 by checking if the module names returned from `.valid_fastqc_modules()` are actually in the `qc` object.
After FastQC version 0.11.6, kmer content is no longer being reported, see However, when we run `qc_plot` with `modules='all'`, the results from `.valid_fastqc_modules(modules='all')` will still contain (`"Kmer Content"`, despite...
Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to edit the ggplot parameters of the qc_plot_collection function? I see the source code where I would like to edit on the...
Is there a reason as to why this is left out in the plot code? I can see that there is a function for this in the code, but there...
I used the correct syntax `qc_report("~/Documents/QC_BT/", result.file = "OB_001", interpret = TRUE)` the error was processing file: sample-report-interpret.Rmd |.......................................................................................... | 98% [kmer-content] Quitting from lines at lines 316-317 [kmer-content] (sample-report-interpret.Rmd)...