I'll reopen it. We still should support it, not everyone is using Jackett just for sonarr integration. If someone can provide an invite I'll add it fast. Otherwise I'll put...
To late for me "Maximum number of users reached"
@diksm8 If you can sent an invite to kaso1717 -at- gmail.com for them I'll add them.
Haven't received any invites for the mentioned trackers yet. Adding support for the GazelleGames captcha shouldn't be a problem. Worst case cookie login should work.
Empornium has been added via bcdf1cc781761141997215bef265af4aa2247667
@avggeek yes, a GazelleGames invite is still needed.
got it, thank you. They disabled the gazelle API, will take some extra tie due to that. Will add it in the next days.
Gazellegames has been added via 0b208008cf021a9b9c4606a820815ea21f21a5b3
Jackett currently only fetches the results from the first search results page (see #975). 100 is probably the maximum you can configure (check your empornium profile settings).
added with 826367f061ee0bb8d9e6e1fc2d1d829d7e8da12c