Kasib Kismath
Kasib Kismath
> @nikosvr88, I didn't try to use keycloak-angular for this scenario, however I do think it is possible using the angular modular approach. > I would not initialise the KeycloakService...
@dsnoeck thanks for the configurations, I have managed to handle multi-tenancy by checking for the realm in the start of sub domain in the url. For example, org1.sub.domain, therefore, the...
@dsnoeck I have already tried that during keyloak login where we pass the redirect uri. However, the redirect uri has to be specified before login, since we cannot fetch the...
> @kasibkismath, please re-read carfully my answer. I was suggesting to always redirect to the same url after login, like /route-user. The component under this url could fetch the user...
> Hi @dsnoeck , > > The realm-selector is the first page my application loads. > realm-selector-component.ts > > ``` > constructor(keycloakService:KeycloakService){} > onSelect(realm: RealmData): void { > const keycloakConfig:...
@LekhaPai Please check in your browser developer console what is the error being thrown and check why is the **_instance** is being undefined