Kashif Naseer
Kashif Naseer
can we send a configuration to the "Google-Maps-for-Rails" plugin to tell is when to trigger the "cluster" mode ? I want to Dynamically on/off the cluster mode
Rails 6 WebPacker is not calling JQuery inside views, any idea, whats wrong here and how i can fix it ? Ruby version: ruby 2.7.5p203 Rails version: Rails 6.1.6 Webpacker...
I'm trying to adapt a way using Raty.js to turn a decimal number into stars. Like Decimal Number 2.20 should highlight the 2.20 stars out of 5 stars rating system....
I've different views to export data into Excel. most of them are using same styles. Currently I'm copying all styles in all views. My question is what is a best...
impressionist(@object, nil, unique: [:session_hash]) always gives NIL value for session_hash. first time it inserts the record, later on every request it says Record Already Exist because it always find Nil...
How I can count Page Views based on Cross Site Request ? ``` impressionist(Object, nil, unique: [:session_hash]) def session_hash request.session.id end ``` scenario: OTHER-SITE.COM is a news site, When User...
Flow paper is creating its own ID in mx_internal_uid as a String. I'm having a MARKS table where I'm storing all the marks. Currently I'm using mx_internal_uid field to Update/Delete...
When I search Rawabi it doesnt return address & formatted address components. any reason, how i can fix this ? It takes the map to that area but doesnt select...