@takezoe I understand your concept to keep core system simple. I will follow your decision. At first, I tried to implement `start date` and `due date` in plug-in using `issue...
If official handle this project, I can change merge target from `master` to another branch. Anyway, I keep implementing this PR slowly.
@skullwritter The answers are below. ## 1. `.card` structure Basically, I use `.card > .card-body` style. However, In some html files, for example `settings/xxx.scala.html`, only `.card-body` class is applied, because...
These `s` string interpolations are the remains of trying URL generation. These have no effect, so far. I will remove these interpolators. Thank you for the review.
If these commits should be squashed, I will create another squashed PR.
This issue is difficult to implement. Because, lanes (labels, milestones, priorities, assignee) are different in each repository. Although not kanban board, you can list up all issues by "issues" link...
I was misunderstanding #5. ( I thought it meant the group page or group lane in every repository) I understand your request. umm... I will consider about these issues.
Related #5. Please check v.3.0. You can brows all issues related to the User or Group in the summary board. The Summary board is read-only so far.
Please check v.3.0. This version supports User / Group level summary board in all relevant repositories. The Summary board is read-only so far. If you want to browse issues in...