Kartik Mohta

Results 9 issues of Kartik Mohta

I noticed slightly different coloring in a header vs a cpp file, see screenshot: ![chromatica_bug](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/92570/32479609-adfe5418-c358-11e7-9b2b-d94cafdc89db.png) Don't know if this is expected, seems wrong to me. The relevant settings in my...

[//]: # (Thank you for reporting an issue for catkin_tools!) [//]: # (Please fill out the details below so that your issue can be resolved quickly!) [//]: # (If you...

Creating and destroying threads at each frame seems like a lot of overhead, maybe can keep the threads running and signal it when new data arrives.

Instead of setting `CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS` directly, we should use features in newer cmake versions for enabling C++11 support. See #11 for some discussion. The only thing stopping this right now is...


Seems like a fix for a different problem 3ba099372ff9a5ecb849ad824eab7df893fee0ad led to some wrong checks being introduced into the code.

Currently the trajectory tracker does not touch the yaw, it maintains the initial yaw. The yaw should be allowed to change along the trajectory by specifying the yaw at the...


With the change in 4222aef65f592e97e06466e8996597c2825ad644, we report the measured motor RPM not the desired, but the scaling factor for the two are different. As per http://wiki.asctec.de/display/AR/List+of+all+predefined+variables,+commands+and+parameters the factor is just...


Can you please add the ROS repository: deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu trusty main The PGP key can be found at: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5523BAEEB01FA116