Karol Grodzicki
Karol Grodzicki
Looking at the code it seams that the server performs SSL upgrade syncronously (i.e. it'll start listening to next connection, when previous is authenticated with SSL). I can see 3...
According to official Yubikey instruction, it could be solved by checking _Variable Length Challenge?_ checkbox during configuration See: https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013779759-Using-Your-YubiKey-with-KeePass
@ssbarnea @Chewbee I had the same issue, but I disabled Ansible plugin. From what I can see also Cloud Code plugin might cause such issues. They both run yaml server...
@michael-westphal They released source code on MIT license, they also added rendering in many other products (Teams, MS Bot framework, Windows Timeline) and they released SDK to render the card...
@mdjnelson I can see in our Moodle web service endpoints which (as I understand) already come from the customcert: - mod_customcert_delete_issue - mod_customcert_get_element_html - mod_customcert_save_element So does it means that...