karma-junit-reporter copied to clipboard
A Karma plugin. Report results in junit xml format.
I added the ability to customize the testsuite name attribute using a ```suiteNameFormatter``` function. The default behavior of this setting (if no function is passed) is to use the browser's...
extremely minor issue! link at the bottom of the README in master should point to [karma-runner.github.io](https://karma-runner.github.io), not .com.
I am not sure if this plugin of karma is to blame or that this is a problem in karma itself. It is very annoying that our builds now and...
Hi, We made some changes in index.js, sonarqube will not display all failures so we made some changes in xml preparation without effecting existing one. Changed junit xml format preparation...
If I run a test in e.g. IE 11 via sauce labs and inadvertently include a backtick in my source code, the karma console will report something like ``` E...
Greetings, I notice the following file in this repository appears to be licensed under GNU LGPL: https://github.com/karma-runner/karma-junit-reporter/blob/v1.1.0/junit-schema.xsd Yet, I find almost the same file at https://github.com/windyroad/JUnit-Schema/blob/b553f765aaa80b3eeb320c8e52aae7b390852643/JUnit.xsd but licensed under Apache...
Sorry just trying to get a fix for pkgName issue that is fixed in master but not 2.0.1
Hi guys, I'm facing an issue, when unit tests are skipped, but if I use `junit` reporter, then the report contains 3 failures which actually aren't failures, because the tests...
Sorry but it's one of these "non reproductible", "not everytime" bug. After some digging, it appears that in my karma run, this plugin stop with no logs exactly at the...