Results 30 comments of Karl Seguin

Would be nice to merge this

Thanks. I initially wrote an unfinished version. At the time I was looking at other examples, and I saw that they'd add themselves to a queue for cleanup. I even...

I think think is for more than just "overlook or forget about [the notification]", but you might simply not see them (e.g. might not be looking at your screen when...

Ran into this issue as well, and like @saimon46 said the db is encrypted. Solved this by updating the database via the API. What I suggest is that you go...

Someone linked this issue in Elixir's #general slack channel. I wrote a while ago, if it helps (pure Elixir HDR histogram)

Just started to look at Wren. It's shame this was never merged, was there a reason?

@miparnisari I'm not 100% sure. The cache is relatively feature rich and has a number of configuration knobs. But, the fundamental operations are `Get` and `Set`, and testing them under...

I re-created the `control_stop` branch to be mergeable on top of the current master, and created a new PR: Can give them a spin?

I got this working, when building stage4, I added the `-Denable-llvm` flag. So instead of what's in the documentation: ``` stage3/bin/zig build -p stage4 -Dno-lib ``` I used: ``` stage3/bin/zig...

I've created a [fork to work in this]( It *is* working with today's 0.11-dev build, but I'm not sure it's worth merging into master, since 0.11 is still super unstable,...