Results 30 comments of Karl Seguin

I don't immediately know. Any context? Was Stop called on the cache? What type of objects are being stored in it? Anything else?

Thanks, that helps, but I'm not sure it's a bug. `ccache.New` starts a goroutine. To stop it, `Stop()` needs to be called. If caches are created and fall out of...

Hi, Mind reviewing ?

I haven't touched this (or even Go) in a long time. But everything you say sounds right. Let me verbosely go through my thoughts: 1 - It sounds like you...

I'm not sure I understand the problem. `TrackingGet` and `onDelete` will get the same item, but t`onDelete` could be called at any point that 1 (or many) copies of `item`...

Hmmm.. Thanks. I'll have to take a look and think more about it. Off the top of my head though, the default `itemsToPrune` is 500, so a smaller value would...

Thanks. It's abandoned.

I've implemented your other changes (thank you for that), but you'll have to spell this one out for me. Seems ok to me as is?

I think you're right, but I haven't done Go in a while and don't have time to tackle this. I might come back to Go if generics are added. I'd...

I know it's late. But you can now use `GetDropped` to get the rate of eviction. Will keep this open since there's obviously more that could be done.