Karl-Johan Grinnemo
Karl-Johan Grinnemo
@bagder @naeemk Not able to recreate the problem. Actually, it seems to work for me. Have anyone checked this issue recently?
@weinrank @bagder Have continued my investigation of issue #291. When I did a trial with a timeout of 10 ms for the poll() in client_http_run_once it seemed to work ok...
@weinrank have you some time to start looking at this?
@weinrank Hardcoded '10 ms' in poll at line 293 in file client_http_run_once.c ( int rc = poll(fds, num_ctxs, 10) )
@tuexen I don't consider this a fix of the bug. I only consider this an observation. Since I cannot explain the problem, I don't consider it fixed. I'll continue looking...
@naeemk I guess this is something that needs to be discussed since it could have performance implications.
@naeemk should this be considered a bug that needs to be analyzed?
@bagder I am not sure what you are referring to. As far as I can tell, the timeout doesn't drive client_http_run_once. Instead, it seems to be driven by events on...
@bagder Did some further test runs, and running "./client_http_run_once -n 200 bsd10.fh-muenster.de" took less than 900 ms. I am not in a position to say whether on not that is...