Hi, I am trying to import features from a Matlab file containing several feature variables (e.g. ROIvalues, speed, ...). I am wondering what the format of the matlab variables should...
Hi, Thank you so much for sharing this great GUI. I am running into an issue when I try to merge two labels into one. The GUI does not update....
Hi, I get this error after this line ` flow_generator = flow_generator_train(cfg)` of the [colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Nf9FU7FD77wgvbUFc608839v2jPYgDhd?usp=sharing) notebook: `... ValueError: error decoding frame 3885 from video /content/drive/MyDrive/Research/Schneider lab/Paper/Karin paper version 230911/Reviewers requests/Fig...
Hi, I am using colab to try to train the test data ([testing_deepethogram_archive.zip](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IFz4ABXppVxyuhYik8j38k9-Fl9kYKHo/view?usp=sharing)) provided on Github. During the `flow_generator = flow_generator_train(cfg)` step, after 70% of epoch 0 is achieved, I...
Hi, I have an Nvidia Quadro P4000 GPU with id 0 in the task manager (it is listed as "GPU 0"). But it seems that pytorch_lightning does not find the...
Hi, I get this error when importing multiple videos. I can't open the videos or add labels after that. I installed DEG with python 3.8 environment. **ERROR** ``` File "C:\Users\labadmin\.conda\envs\deg38\lib\site-packages\deepethogram\gui\custom_widgets.py",...