Karim Ahmed
Karim Ahmed
For me, it was actually C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cbfs4.sys - I renamed it - Did docker system prune -a (be careful with that) - Restarted
Maybe classes as well? It will help mass manipulation based on the class
Maybe a hashed string can be stored instead of the actual string itself? something like `int getPaintId();` and now the user can just do if(paint->getPaintId() == "MySVGShape1"_hs) or if(paint->getPaintId() ==...
And if the user wants to have a full blown svg "reflection", he can just use a different svg parser building the tree and use the hashed ids coming from...
This is fantastic! Thank you for taking this into consideration. In my opinion, enabling the use of DMSDK in DLLs would be excellent. Essentially, this would allow for a workflow...
Wanted to try to run rive over canvas_ity I think the alternate fill rules will help with that. Thank you very much
@recatek Actually entt's author (@skypjack) advised me before for using entities as events. I am at the moment trying to leverage that. I really like the approach and this is...