Same here, you can reinitialize the scanner when the orientation changes to work around it. let scanner; async function start_scan() { scanner = new Instascan.Scanner({ video: document.getElementById('preview') }); Instascan.Camera.getCameras().then(function (cameras)...
Needed this to, it wasn't in the code it seems, so I made a pull request https://github.com/maiyaporn/angular2-wizard/pull/19
I can't tell for certain without seeing your code, but you probably forgot to tag your wizard as in . Also don't forget the change in the complete function, it's...
Can i see your html, basically your html has a somewhere, you tag it with a name, like . Then you bind the component in your ts like so: @ViewChild('wizard')...
Ok now did you try to change to ? On Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 2:48 PM, Midhilaj wrote: > my html > (onNext)="onStep1Next($event)"> Step1 > Email > address id="exampleInputEmail1"...
The behavior was changed, caught me by surprise to. When the token is invalid it will now go to the error handler even if {credentialsRequired: false} is set. It used...
So what form do you think it should take. Should it be applied directly to the background images, a toggle button, a background brightness slider.
I can't use css to apply the filter, both the background and everything else are part of the same pixi/webgl context. And since the filter needs to be applied between...
Sorry about the inactivity, work has been busy. I've merged the new grids. I let the betweenthebits domain expire as I wasn't really using it, I did fix the forum.
I'm a bit busy, I can add the game if I can get some help. Following steps are needed for a new game: 1) Most importantly, I need some solid...