Rasheed Kareem
Rasheed Kareem
I am facing same issue using analyze_user_recent_post... I think the iteration now brings error
> You should get your login `sessionid` cookie from instagram (Using a cookie editor of some sort) and then add it to the headers when you scrape your data: >...
I do we solve using this library
I use the solution from @roman-dmytriv . Is still doesnt work
AttributeError: module 'OpenSSL.SSL' has no attribute 'SSLv2_METHOD'. Did you mean: 'SSLv23_METHOD'?
> Did you tried `21.0.0` as well? 🤔 Please what do i need to downgrade??? what is the 21.0.0 here
AttributeError: module 'OpenSSL.SSL' has no attribute 'SSLv2_METHOD'. Did you mean: 'SSLv23_METHOD'?
> > Did you tried `21.0.0` as well? 🤔 > > Please what do i need to downgrade??? what is the 21.0.0 here
Has thi been resolved
> getting the same error. Any ideas? Not yet, still havent resolved
> I think that popup doesn't appears in every country. That's the very reason it can't find and throw that error. I think it was resolved in #41. I merged...
(base) C:\Users\USER\Documents\insight>python facebook.py 2022-12-13 17:41:45,591 - facebook_page_scraper.driver_initialization - INFO - Using: username:[email protected]:10001 [WDM] - Driver [C:\Users\USER\.wdm\drivers\geckodriver\win64\v0.32.0\geckodriver.exe] found in cache 2022-12-13 17:42:42,897 - facebook_page_scraper.driver_utilities - CRITICAL - No posts were found!...