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Test Automation Made Simple

Results 102 karate issues
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Using the following minimal example: ``` Feature: Feature showing the difference between call methods @ignore @tocall Scenario: Called scenario * driver 'https://www.google.com/' Scenario: Using call read() * call read('@tocall') Scenario:...


Would greatly enhance readability of reports

help wanted

It would be great if we could have the ability to pass the final parameter of the `call` keyword (https://karatelabs.github.io/karate/#call) as a multi-line expression (https://karatelabs.github.io/karate/#multi-line-expressions), so that we don't have...

help wanted

As stated in [this question on stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76391509/api-mocking-how-do-i-implement-request-forward-while-using-a-javascript-mock) we would like to use request forwarding while using a javascript mock. Currently this feature does not exist for JS mocks and could...

help wanted

I am running the following command to load multiple mock features: ```bash java -jar karate-1.4.0.jar \ --mocks=init/post-sample.feature,init/FileServerMock.feature \ -W \ -p 8100 ``` Unfortunately, when I change the content of...

help wanted

I've setup a Karate client & server using two key/cert pairs to test X509/mTLS authentication. The client side looks like this: `* configure ssl = { keyStore: 'server-keystore.p12', keyStorePassword: 'karate-mock',...

help wanted

refer comments on this stack overflow issue: https://stackoverflow.com/a/76586756/143475 @jkeys089 perhaps when `karate.compareImage()` is used, it should always return the delta as the `mismatchPercentage` and leave it to users to decide...


at the very least for mocks, to complement the already existing `configure afterScenario` option: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/tree/master/karate-netty#configure-afterscenario this is needed because the `Background` in mocks is only "one time": https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/tree/master/karate-netty#background teams will...


based on question here, and this ask has come up a few times: https://stackoverflow.com/q/75083053/143475 Also there is a related discussion (can't find the link) if we could force some tag...


Discovered while logging in with randomized passwords using karate 1.4.1 and 1.5.0-RC3 (OpenJDK 17). Reproduction testing with develop branch and OpenJDK 21. ### Reproducing Error The below code can be...
