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Test Automation Made Simple

Results 102 karate issues
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### Description Thanks for contributing this Pull Request. Make sure that you submit this Pull Request against the `develop` branch of this repository, add a brief description, and tag the...

Please add contents of the kittens.json file for the[ JSON Array Data Source](https://github.com/karatelabs/karate#json-array-data-source) section to allow new users (like me) to have full context and a better understanding of what's...

help wanted

karate-core/pom.xml has this dependency: com.linecorp.armeria:armeria1.13.4 This includes a vulnerable ([CVE-2020-36518](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-36518)) jackson-databind dependency: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.linecorp.armeria/armeria/1.13.4 Bumping armeria to 1.18.0 or any later fixes this: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.linecorp.armeria/armeria/1.18.0


how to reproduce: mvn test [INFO] Results: [INFO] [ERROR] Errors: [ERROR] JavaApiTest.testCallingFeatureFromJava:29 NullPointer Cannot invoke "java.util... [INFO] [ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0 the project files:...

help wanted

expected: after calling a feature which performs a method, should be able to access `responseTime` actual: `responseTime` is out of scope in the callee and needs to be stored in...

Feature: match contains deep only #Current matchers don't have a syntax for a 1 line order insensitive exact values match #Single line, order insensitive matching is actually they behavior I...


has been requested a few times in the last 5 years, and makes sense to me. for example this stack overflow q: https://stackoverflow.com/q/73385367/143475 so the idea is to set a...


### Description Minimal solution to fix the issue of overriding runner properties by JVM args. - Relevant Issues : #2474 - Relevant PRs : #2479 - Type of change :...

Karate 1.3 [introduced](https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/commit/f95db1051af4603191e6a25973ada2841500abc3) a bug where it would sometimes execute an entire feature file when it was only supposed to execute a single scenario within the feature file. We are...


If I am running a Karate feature, which calls a Java method, which then executes another Karate feature, something about that nested call to Karate seems to disrupt something in...

help wanted