Peter Karalekas
Peter Karalekas
All this default annotation logic should be pulled out into a function or a method on ISAs. ```python def get_isa(self, oneq_type=None, twoq_type=None) -> ISA: """ Construct an ISA suitable for...
GitLab CI Project:
Following the lead of `forest-benchmarking`, we change this package to `forest-openfermion`. Additionally, to get everything to work smoothly, I had to implement the namespace package in the [pkgutil-style method](
Something I noticed when trying to run the controller locally -- those projects are not on quicklisp, but they are dependencies of the controller, so maybe that should be mentioned...
The benchmarking tests are quite time intensive, so we should consider building a more complex CI pipeline that leverages things like scheduled builds for larger tests, and only runs the...
Would be really nice to be able to see who has returned & who we're still waiting on.