Andrey Shertsinger
Andrey Shertsinger
@witnessmenow up
@witnessmenow up
@mochalygin @argayash Guys! There is PR fixed this BUG. This bug don't allow even to modify default max_execution_time to increase timeout!
And what about simultaneously hover&click handlers for touch&desktop. On desktop 'hover' used, on mobile - 'click' used... Now I set 'hover' type and listen `@click` to toggle popper 'programmatically'
I faced with same issue, but with both startDate & endDate as null (case "All time" not highlighted)
I just leave this link here #950 as same issue
@negativ72rus, It seems that NO. You must power USB-connected device with 5V. Your diagram missed about it. So it need DC-DC5V power booster after TP4056, and remember about cutting USBVCC...
@RealLord добавил
@airens может ты посмотришь? отрефакторил на V2 - теперь интеграция добавляется через UI, в списке устройств теперь есть бризеры(а не просто куча ничейных объектов) компонент airens/tion тоже расширил - теперь...