
Results 8 issues of karakufire

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** To retweet same tweets again, I have to remove that retweet, seek same tweet, retweet. It slightly takes labor to...


I want to launch Blenders system-installed before using Blender Launcher via Blender Launcher without modfying installation settings. I thought Blender Launcher can register installed Blender individually by selecting their location,...

I'm very bored to register added blocks/tools. I wish `/veinminer (toollist|blocklist) (axe|pickaxe|shovel|hoe|shears) (add|remove)` works to add or remove player having item. thank you.


Relative with #48 and #77 , Wither potion is collided with leaping from Et Futurum in MC1.7.10.

This pull-request is not a taken-over of #5851 branch.

Draconic Evolution has a epic strong dragon: chaos guardian. she lives far from ender dragon live, keeps guard mighty powered crystal cluster.


This block had existed in PE's old version. I like this block.

Misskey構築の手引き(`https://misskey-hub.net/docs/install/manual.html`)やUbuntu版Misskeyインストール方法詳説(`https://misskey-hub.net/docs/install/ubuntu-manual.html`)といった、Misskeyの構築手順書において、記載されているコマンドに実行するディレクトリを明記して欲しいです。 例えば、以下のように記載していほしいです。( ユーザーの作成、 Misskey構築の手引きより) ```sh adduser --disabled-password --disabled-login misskey ``` ↓ ```sh hoge@fuga:~$ adduser --disabled-password --disabled-login misskey ``` 記載された各コマンドは、全体の記載通りに状態が遷移するものだとは思いますが、果たして正しく実行できているかの確認が行いづらいです。 以上、よろしくお願いします。