Radoslaw Karabowicz
Radoslaw Karabowicz
To be more specific. The problem arouse from the latest `clang` versions. On my `clang version 14.0.3` newest FairSoft+FairRoot run smooth.
Which FairSoft/FairRoot version did you install? You can check it by going to corresponding source directories and execute 'git branch'.
> > @emssay, > > I did a quick check and installed MUonE on our Debian10 system which worked with a small change in the build system. I could run...
It should return a non-owning pointer. The reason for this is that there may be several tasks requiring the pointer.
> An interesting question from this morning: > > Should callers of GetObject be able to modify the object they get this way? If not, then GetObject maybe should return...
However. Simple example of the time based reconstruction and `FairTSBufferFunctional`. The `fInputArray` is obtained via `FRM::GetObject()`: https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairRoot/blob/master/base/steer/FairTSBufferFunctional.cxx#L42 and here it is absorbed into `fOutputArray`: https://github.com/FairRootGroup/FairRoot/blob/master/base/steer/FairTSBufferFunctional.cxx#L54 But looking at the description...
I would merely like to make sure that the ED does not crash when opened. That's the minimum we can check. I will have a look into your solution.
IMO if you root -l -q the ED, it will close the window immediately on exit.
can you shortly describe, what the changes would have to be?
Looking at the code, you've also moved the function from FairDetector to FairModule. What is the reason to remove its argument and return value? Can't it stay it used to...