Results 5 comments of K

@gasparnagy I have just switched over to Deveroom for VS2019 and it works just fine.

@SabotageAndi been a while since I last contributed, LambdaTest is throwing me an error about invalid credentials, how do I fix that?

@SabotageAndi looks like the action doesn't have the credentials to begin with, so I assume I'll need to come up with these on my end and add them in my...

[There is a PR](https://github.com/SpecFlowOSS/SpecFlow.Actions/pull/110) but GH actions is not configured to share credentials to remote services and therefore it won't pass quality gates.

As there is no plugin for Playwright and BrowserStack this will have to do [https://www.browserstack.com/docs/automate/playwright#C_Sharp](https://www.browserstack.com/docs/automate/playwright#C_Sharp)