BTW there's a similar issue with assertions on relations. Both these work: No first-name is pesel-num. Every first-name connects-with nothing-but thing that is a pesel-num. First-Name-6 is a first-name. First-Name-7...
Fluent Editor is using 'utf-8-sig' encoding and it needs to be used when opening these files e.g.: '''onto=Ontology("cnl/string",'\n'.join(open(fn,"rt",encoding='utf-8-sig').read() for fn in ["data/sample-data.encnl"]))''' Please update documentation and examples
Currently, CNL Edit uses ipywidgets. This has many limitations including problems with JupyterLab which is the future of the data-science. We need to investigate the best approach and start working...
Sometimes we need to use n-ary relations e.g.: Prime is a number with a specific-property. Chart-101 presents information about Cat from 2001 until 2012.