
Results 25 comments of Isak

Thank you for looking into it 😄

Was this fixed in the latest `moor` (or `drift`) release?

It does not work, maybe I'm doing something wrong. There is no auto completion or syntax highlighting in `.drift` files. VS Code `1.61.0` inside of WSL2. Dart SDK `2.14.3 (stable)...

This is the output in the diagnostics page.

Yes I'm using `dart.previewLsp` and there is no errors or anything in this example. ```text table.drift CREATEsdfsdf TABLEasd todos ( id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, title TEXT NOT...

Hello @simolus3 do you have any update on this? Asking because this feature is cool and wan't to use it.

Unfortunately, nothing works as expected with a new empty project.

Same for me when using the latest versions of all the packages. Fixed by using @adnan-sheikh pinned package versions.

Same issue.. anyone found a solution? Ended up using this integration instead

> Need to polyfill the global object Thanks got it working using Now I'm having another problem with CORS. The endpoint can be called directly (example `/trpc/hello`) but not...